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3847402114 Phone Number Reverse Lookup
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Received a call from 3847402114 phone number or have any information availible? Report immediately.
Posted: 23rd Mar, 2012 by JamesatTheVets
I'm in Toronto, and have a Rogers BlackBerry Torch 9860. I bought a US roaming plan before I went to Las Vegas. On Feb 23, 2012, I received 3 incoming calls from 121-221-2999: 3 minutes, 36 minutes, and 21 minutes. That killed my plan, and now they want a total of $37.80 for those 3 calls. All my bill says is "incoming", but Shelley at Rogers Billing Dept told me the number. Shelley says it's not Rogers' problem, and neither are 16 calls to 411, each one minute long, some occuring in the same exact minute. The killer is that I had (or so I thought) locked the phone because we were at the airport at the time of those 411 calls. “To serve me better”, Shelley in Billing pawned me off to Ray in Tech Support so that he could tell me there's nothing wrong with my phone. Once he did that, Rogers is off the hook and doesn't have to reimburse me. You want the definition of "synergy"? Rogers crappy service and RIM's flaky phones. Together, they're unbeatable.
Phone owner: none
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Phone number variations : 384-740-2114 - 384 740 2114 - 13847402114